A transformative card deck and guidebook for creating positive change using high-vibration chakra imagery and belief affirmations Includes 56 full-colour cards, each featuring a main chakra image or chakra-aspect image along with chakra-related beliefs and affirmations for energetic realignment. The accompanying guidebook describes how to use the cards for therapeutic guidance and inspiration or as part of the Healing In Sight Method for belief change . Explains how to select cards to identify the beliefs we need to work on or to help us become a vibrational match with the belief or life experience we desire A card deck and therapy tool in one, Chakra Cards for Belief Change offers 56 full-colour cards to assist you in transforming your unhelpful beliefs and raising your vibration to begin creating the reality you desire. The cards feature high-vibration, full-colour chakra images to use as tools for therapeutic guidance as well as for positive manifestation.
By Nikki Gresham-Record
Box 15cm x 10.5cm