Stone carved pendulum chain attached with finger holder on the end.
It is believed that Pendulums can be used as a form of guidance tool to guide you into the decision making process. It is not the sole process to base your decisions on but helps to breakdown the questions to yes and no answers thus helps to bring awareness to your higher self and the alignments of the decision that fits best for you .It opens up the conversations needed to guide the path you take by asking simple yes and no questions that are most suited.
Hold the end of the pendulum chain by the thumb and first finger. Like a pinch grip. . Put your elbow steady on the table and hold the pendulum so the the point of the pendulum is just high enough above the surface so that is it freely able to swing.
To get started ask simple yes and no questions that have obvious answers to see which way the pendulum is going to swing for the answer. For example , ask “is the sun hot”? Answer will be yes, so observe which way the pendulum swings for this answer ,it may be side to side or clockwise or anti clock wise. This is your yes direction, do the same with a no answer and see how it swings for the no.
Once you have established its directional pull for the answer you can start to ask it questions in regards to the topic you wish to get help with your decisions